Thank you so much for looking for accurate information regarding paying your property tax.
Property taxes are due in full on October 1 of each year.
Payments postmarked after that date will be considered delinquent and subject to 8% penalty and additional interest of 1% for the first 3 months and 1.5% per month or part thereafter, as allowable by law.
Our address for payment is
88 Landgrove Road, Landgrove, VT 05148.
Excellent explanations by the Department of Taxes of your Vermont Property Tax Bill, and the Education Tax rates.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Property taxes are due in full on October 1 of each year.
Payments postmarked after that date will be considered delinquent and subject to 8% penalty and additional interest of 1% for the first 3 months and 1.5% per month or part thereafter, as allowable by law.
Our address for payment is
88 Landgrove Road, Landgrove, VT 05148.
Excellent explanations by the Department of Taxes of your Vermont Property Tax Bill, and the Education Tax rates.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Important Deadlines
Tax rates for 2023
Homestead $1.8404 Non-Homestead $1.8870 For more information about how education tax rates are determined, go online to: www.state.vt.us/tax/pvredtaxrates.shtml. |
April 15th - Homestead Declaration (HS-122 A) due. Must be filed annually. Link to file online at any time: https://secure.vermont.gov/hd/index. Application for Property Tax Adjustments (HS 122 B) are also due on April 15th and can be found at the same link.
Declarations and Applications for Adjustment filed after the due date will be accepted by the state, but will be subject to a late filing penalty. |