As one of a community of very small mountain towns, the Town of Landgrove is aligned in public emergency services with the Town of Londonderry, with mutual aid service also provided by the Towns of Peru and Weston. A lot of emergency information is available from the State of Vermont and the National Weather Service, with alerts available when you sign up and opt-in to them.
If you are currently having an emergency, CALL 911 maintains a Local Emergency Operations Plan that is updated as required every few years. For a copy of the Emergency Management Plan, or the Hazard Mitigation Plan, please visit the Town Hall during office hours.
LAW ENFORCEMENT- for Landgrove is provided by the Vermont State Police out of the Shaftsbury barracks, for non-emergency info 802-442-5421
EMERGENCY RESPONSE- Landgrove is supported by the Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad, including its Technical Rescue division. The Rescue Squad is dispatched by 911.
CARE is the Vermont Citizens Assistance Registry for Emergencies. It was created to help emergency responders identify Vermonters who might need additional assistance in case of a wide-scale event, and requires annual registration to ensure it stays up to date.
FIRE- We are primarily served by the Phoenix Fire Company #6 out of Londonderry, as well as mutual aid from other fire stations as needed.
WILDLIFE- for emergencies, protocols and reporting are found at Vermont Fish and Wildlife-
Fish and Game Enforcement 802-828-1483 - Our Game Warden is Kyle Isherwood 802-279-8935
EMERGENCY SHELTER - the designated emergency shelter is at Flood Brook School on Rte 11. The School hosts a generator and is the hub for supplies and needs when the community emergency is such that sheltering in place is not possible or safe and people need to center somewhere.
In a community emergency, many resources, supplies and instructions can be accessed and distributed through Neighborhood Connections, which has their office in the plaza at Rtes 11 and 100 in Londonderry.
ROADS - Information regarding State Road closures are at New England 511.
Other Road information can be found at VTrans which also maintains a Snowplow Tracker in winter.
POWER - Green Mountain Power maintains a very detailed Outage Center for power outages.
NOTIFICATIONS - Some services have created cell phone apps that push notifications to your phone ahead of an emergency. They will also update during and after an emergency as well with resources to contact and information.
To receive alerts on your phone, one must sign up for them:
1. State of Vermont Emergency Alerts App
2. Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) app
3. The NextDoor Forum for Peru & Landgrove
Finally, some info can be quickly obtained from other community members by joining Front Porch Forum which we share with Weston
Londonderry Community Forum can be a helpful place to see current conditions as posted by other citizens, but public services also sometimes post here as well.
LAW ENFORCEMENT- for Landgrove is provided by the Vermont State Police out of the Shaftsbury barracks, for non-emergency info 802-442-5421
EMERGENCY RESPONSE- Landgrove is supported by the Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad, including its Technical Rescue division. The Rescue Squad is dispatched by 911.
CARE is the Vermont Citizens Assistance Registry for Emergencies. It was created to help emergency responders identify Vermonters who might need additional assistance in case of a wide-scale event, and requires annual registration to ensure it stays up to date.
FIRE- We are primarily served by the Phoenix Fire Company #6 out of Londonderry, as well as mutual aid from other fire stations as needed.
WILDLIFE- for emergencies, protocols and reporting are found at Vermont Fish and Wildlife-
Fish and Game Enforcement 802-828-1483 - Our Game Warden is Kyle Isherwood 802-279-8935
EMERGENCY SHELTER - the designated emergency shelter is at Flood Brook School on Rte 11. The School hosts a generator and is the hub for supplies and needs when the community emergency is such that sheltering in place is not possible or safe and people need to center somewhere.
In a community emergency, many resources, supplies and instructions can be accessed and distributed through Neighborhood Connections, which has their office in the plaza at Rtes 11 and 100 in Londonderry.
ROADS - Information regarding State Road closures are at New England 511.
Other Road information can be found at VTrans which also maintains a Snowplow Tracker in winter.
POWER - Green Mountain Power maintains a very detailed Outage Center for power outages.
NOTIFICATIONS - Some services have created cell phone apps that push notifications to your phone ahead of an emergency. They will also update during and after an emergency as well with resources to contact and information.
To receive alerts on your phone, one must sign up for them:
1. State of Vermont Emergency Alerts App
2. Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) app
3. The NextDoor Forum for Peru & Landgrove
Finally, some info can be quickly obtained from other community members by joining Front Porch Forum which we share with Weston
Londonderry Community Forum can be a helpful place to see current conditions as posted by other citizens, but public services also sometimes post here as well.